Sunday, July 22, 2007

Jennis Bay

The signs were posted that a new Marina was open for business in Drury Inlet. While most marinas are in a state of disrepair and decline, with For Sale signs the norm we were curious as to who was starting a new business in what is sometimes referred to as Dreary Inlet.
A night on their dock introduced us to a very nice young family from Idaho. Tom, Allision and Orion (9) and Charlie Marie (5) Allo are making a place for themselves in the BC wilderness where Allison’s father had lived out his life as a logger. Within a very short time we felt like long lost family. The ‘other’ boater in the harbour was celebrating a birthday in which we all got involved. Nothing like chocolate cake in the wilderness. The Allos, told us about the long narrow, rocky Acetone Sound, with two secluded freshwater lagoons that can be entered at high tide. We went for an evening tour and definitely need to revisit it with more time….it was gorgeous. They also told us of many freshwater lakes within hiking distance for swimming and flyfishing…..once again we will be checking this out.

As we left we were delighted to see 8 really big yachts heading for their dock and Allison running down to greet them. Hopefully they will persevere through the winter, another year of homeschooling so that we can visit them again.

Grappler Sound delivered what Drury did not…….our prawn traps were full. After resetting the traps we explored Mackenzie Sound and Nimmo Bay. Nimmo Bay Resort was voted the #1 Helicopter vacation destination in the world. Yep, people do vacation in helicopters.

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