Friday, August 3, 2007

Winter Harbour, Part Deux

It just took a day of slow fishing at TC for us to make the decision to return to Winter Harbour on a salmon expedition. Launching from Coal Harbour this time we enjoyed a late Sunday evening run through Quatsino Narrows to arrive at the Outpost, a private fishing resort whose logo is “The fish are bigger here”.

While fishing for Coho, we were surprised to see shark fins around the boat. The blue sharks would steal the salmon right off the line if we didn’t get them in fast and occasionally they even took our hoochies, spooling the line from our reels. Thankfully our quoto of cohos was met and we headed to deeper water to catch our springs/kings/Chinook. The Chinook fishing proved to be as exciting and bountiful as the coho and we left winter harbour with 16 salmon – our limit with big smiles – another excellent adventure and another witners fine dining looked after.

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