Friday, August 3, 2007

The Boys Go Fishing

A 4:00 a.m. departure by truck from Telegraph Cove to the boat at Port Alice had the boys tingling with anticipation. The plan was to make a two hour run out to Salander Island in the wild Pacific Ocean. Salander is reputed to be home to some of the best fin fishing on the entire west coast. Stephen was joined by two friends from the campground. Dan Santera, from New Mexico, known around the cove as Dan, Dan the Halibut man and Bob Sanford, the soon to become Bobby Ling.

The water was like glass as they raced towards their destination. Dan was using pink heads on circle hooks and Bob was using herring and pink bellies, looking for the big halibut. The action was fast and furious all day. We limited out on ling cod and snapper, had one gorgeous canary rockfish but alas no halibut. Hanging on longer that we should have, the winds came up strong from the north. Heading back to Quatisino Sound in ten foot waves with a big chop on top and many waves breaking over the top of the boat, the going was slow. We arrived back at TC with an enviable catch, tired and a little beat up from our buising ride but satisfied with a wonderous fishing adventure.

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